Making Space
Essays, stories, & reflections on working in
women’s health and social impact spaces.
In other words, why I do what I do and what matters most.
Often, social-oriented spaces are full of more questions than they are answers.
For instance:
How do I get people to care about access to period products? Why do I need to tell stories? Who is going to respond to yet another overlooked maternal health policy? Why should I care about my mental health when the world is on fire?
And on and on they go.
Keep reading for reflections about questions I’ve encountered, what I’m learning, and what it means to be human in a world full of beauty and heartbreak.
“I am done living in a world where women are lied to about their bodies…where women believe their bodies are broken, simply because those bodies are not male. And I am done living in a world where women are trained from birth to treat their bodies as the enemy.”
—Emily Nagoski, Come As You Are